The last few weeks have been great at the store. We've been busy, and foot traffic has picked up tremendously. This is the time of year retailers live for. When I opened Host & Toast, I was a complete amateur in retail sales. I had never even had a part time job in a retail store. Somehow I thought my shopping addiction and my constant quest for bargains qualified me to work in the industry. I soon realized how little I knew, and I've spent lots of time being very conflicted between what I feel I should do versus what everyone else does.
I spent last week feeling really guilty that I had not decorated the store for Christmas. Everyone else decorated weeks ago. It's just what retailers do, right? Yet I could not bring myself to get into the holiday spirit. I need to celebrate Thanksgiving before I can even think about Christmas.
It's a shame people tend to skip over a holiday that's all about gratitude to go straight to the holiday that too often becomes all about receiving instead of giving. I wish people spent more time reflecting and being thankful for all the wonderful things they have rather than worrying about what they don't. Gratitude works wonders on mood and attitude.
I made a list of things that I'm thankful for to help me get in the spirit.
1. I have an amazing husband who supports all my crazy notions, including opening a wine store.
2. I have been blessed with an adopted son and a biological daughter who love each other most of the time.
3. I live in a country where I am free to express myself as I choose. I am also free to listen to or ignore people who express themselves in a way I may disagree with. But it's hard to ignore it when it's all over Facebook.
4. My home is safe, comfortable, and great for throwing parties.
5. I can go to church anytime I want to. And I can feel really guilty when I don't.
6. Drinking wine is one of my job requirements.
7. I get to spend Thanksgiving exercising my right to add another deer to my trophy wall.
I could go on, but enough is enough. So this Thanksgiving, I'll raise my glass and toast to all the wonderful people and things I am thankful for in my life. And then I'll get around to decorating for Christmas.
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